PDP Podcasts
Bruce Vincent returns to share his perspective on the life-shattering events that took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. He emphasizes that the real strength of our nation lies in us, the people.
Monica discusses the choices we make when change is inevitable. Change can bring fear and a sense of loss because we are comfortable with the known and uncomfortable with the unknown. Listen as Monica shares how to overcome the difficulty of change.
What can we do to induce more joy, play and humor in our lives? Listen as Tom shares about not taking yourself so seriously and how to exercise your funny bone with laughter!
We’ve all heard that it is better to give than receive, and in this week's podcast, Tom Thibodeau shares his perspective on what it takes to be generous. Hear how generosity isn't just about giving away your money, but rather giving away things that are good for others. The quality of being kind and unselfish is the quality of being generous.
That's where humility enters the picture. Listen to this week's podcast as Tom shares the truth about how we all benefit from the humble and hard work of others.
Tom Thibodeau shares with us the positive impact joy can have in our lives and how the presence of joy in our lives has been shown to establish greater and more personal connections with others.
Listening has become an art, especially in today’s world with smartphones, social media, and the need for an immediate response. It seems we are fast-forwarding through important life moments when we don’t take time to listen. Hear from Tom Thibodeau as he shares how truly listening to others can bring positive benefits to your life.
As we hear from Shelly, life is too short for the sake of being busy and impressing people. What is one thing you're doing right now that you don't like doing? What is something that you would like to start doing that you're not doing now?
This week, Tom Thibodeau shares how we all experience "life quakes" and explains how there are times when you are forced to face difficult challenges that shake up your life. As we hear from Tom, all of us struggle with uncertainty, but understanding how to transition to new opportunities is one of life's greatest gifts.
What is your vision for the year to come, and how do you plan to get there? This week, Hank Wagner shares his insight for approaching the new year and how to set yourself up for success by creating goals for the year to come. As we hear from Hank, it's the perfect time to look ahead and plan for what we want to harvest in this next season of life.
In this episode, Shelly O'Leary explains how sometimes life just isn’t fair, but in the unfairness, there is also a gift. Hear from her personal experience how we don’t always get to choose what happens to us, but we do get to choose whether our circumstances will make us bitter or better.
In this episode, Hank Wagner shares a lesson he learned during a five-day hunting trip and how his trip was a success even though he didn't harvest a deer.
The holiday season is all about helping others, even those you don’t know. As we make our way to the 100th PDPW Podcast episode, we bring back one of our most listened to episodes with speaker Michael Hoffman. Hear how an unexpected situation at an airport changed not only Michael's perspective but helped a man named Joe during a difficult time.
In today's episode, Holly shares how working less will help you get more done. Hear how 'restorative rest' can help you accomplish more with the time you have and ways to implement it in your life.
To kick off this celebration, we will take you back to Tom Thibodeau's, The Gift of Joy. In this episode, Tom shares why it's important to make time for joy in your life and how laughter can be the best medicine.
In today's episode, Hank reminds us that we don’t need the fear and chaos from headlines to rule the road ahead of us. Regardless of what’s going on in our world today, there is a bright future ahead, as long as we take control and choose what chaos we let in.
Shelly O'Leary, PDPW's Communication and Outreach Specialist, makes her PDPW Podcast debut with a testimony about a defining moment in her life. Her episode today starts three years ago with an unforeseen circumstance that has caused her to change her perspective on life.
On today's podcast, Holly Green shares the importance of unlearning and how it is not about forgetting, but rather, the ability to learn new skills to help you lead through challenging times.
Click here for the list of characteristics of great leaders and managers mentioned in the podcast.
On today's podcast, Holly Green shares the benefits of 'restorative rest' and why it will help you accomplish more with the time you have. By taking the time to carve out a rest period during your day, you can use your brain's capacity to the fullest and be more productive.
It is all about active listening on this week’s podcast with Holly Green. Holly shares tips on how to improve your active listening and why it is important for both personal and professional relationships.
Click here to access the active listening worksheet.
On this week's episode, Holly Green explores the five traits resilient people possess. Get your notepad ready, because Holly provides tips to help you work towards implementing and improving these important traits.
Click here for the Resilience Self Assessment form.
“Exposure to adversity can create the resiliency we need to lead others in a constantly and rapidly changing world. It can teach us to cope with what is yet to come and make us stronger as human beings.”
On this week's podcast, Hank Wagner shares his personal experiences and failures while discussing how passion can be the difference in long term success. Listen to Hank as he talks about how having fire in your belly is imperative for growth and personal development.
As we hear from Tom Thibodeau, friends can do great things for us besides improving our physical health. Listen as he shares why it's important to have a friend to call on during any season.
Today on the PDPW Podcast, Tom Thibodeau shares a message about the tremendous virtue of hope. Being hopeful about the future not only makes today's situation more bearable but also can improve the lives of those around us.
Join Tom and his inspirational message on this week's episode of the PDPW Podcast weekly.
This week on the PDPW Podcast weekly, Tom Thibodeau reminds us about the importance of trusting others, and how we need to trust those around us more than ever before. While building trust takes time and effort, the benefits of it can help you live your life to the fullest.
Are you taking over more chores in the house without others asking? Are you picking up groceries for the elderly couple down the street? Are you making someone smile? It doesn't take much to step up and change someone's day.
On today's episode, Hank Wagner concludes his two-part series where he challenges listeners to be servant leaders who continually strive for growth during this time.
On this week's podcast, Dianne Deaton Vielhuber reminds us to stay positive and persevere during these uncertain times. Take a moment to listen to her suggestions on how you can serve others and care for yourself.
Perhaps what you believe about yourself is really what other people told you. In this podcast Hank Wagner challenges us to really look at ourselves, so we can truly understand our own identity and priorities and have a more fulfilling life.
Do you ever compare yourself to others or envy other people's success? What if someone told you that success can actually be limiting?
In this podcast Hank Wagner explains how failure is a positive and encourages us to not worry so much about winning or being on top, but rather to strive to be the best versions of ourselves and to celebrate the accomplishments of others.
Credit cards, food buffets, fast food, binge drinking, on-line shopping and human weakness all contribute to us gravitating to extremes and the epidemic of instantaneous gratification we see today.
In this podcast Tom Thibodeau wonders what the world would be like if we all had a little more temperance.
Often times things are imposed on us whether we like it or not. However, like a surfer who has no control over a wave, we can learn to master the waves.
Tom Thibodeau encourages us in this podcast to live a life with intention and travel life's currents in ways that are meaningful. How will you live a life of intention?
Hank Wagner has given and received his share of notes and knows "Power of a post-it note".
Given all the negative news and sometimes instability we may feel at times, there is no better time than now to stop and reflect on all the things that are good. Incorporating gratitude into our lives, and in our daily stream of consciousness, has many scientific proven benefits. In this podcast, Hank reminds us that there is "Always something to be thankful for."
Whether it's good or bad, whatever the expectation is will shape how we view the result. Sometimes your hope for the outcome guides the end result. No matter what you do, thinking the best possible outcome should be the expectation and standard.
What kind of life do you have with lowered expectations?
Hank Wagner tackles the topic of expectations for ourselves but also reminds us to be realistic in expectations of others. Listen as Hank puts his expectations into perspective in this podcast - "What Are you Looking Forward To Tomorrow?"
but only for one second without hope." - Hal Lindsay
In this podcast, Hank Wagner points out that hope is badly needed in our world and why we should all consider being "dealers of hope".
Did you know you have a light inside of you that also has positive benefits when it shines?
In Tom Thibodeau's podcast, he has a simple ask. "Let's keep the lights on."
In this podcast, Hank Wagner will help you answer this burning question - "Are you a leader?" Once you have your answer, find out how that piece of information should impact you and those around you.
Through Hank's story, learn the value of being a trustworthy person and the benefit of telling the truth always, but doing so with care and kindness. The results will be beautiful!
Hank Wagner joins us to show how people who enjoy consistent success know how to make great opportunities happen in their lives. Hank shares how you don’t need luck to make good things happen; you just need a strategy. Tune in as he shares the five habits to make more opportunity in your life.
It has been said that no matter how smart and skilled you are, it will not matter if your actions are less than desireable. In this podcast, Hank Wagner talks about respect - a concept referring to the ability to value and honor another person. Aretha Franklin sang about it, we all want it, but more importantly, as Hank points out, we all should be giving it. Giving and receiving respect is win-win and opens doors.
Tom Thibodeau shares his wisdom and three practices we should use when approaching difficult conversations. Learning to communicate in a healthy way, by approaching these conversations with compassion, can lesson confrontation, bring communities together and get things done.
Hank Wagner shares his perspective on being a professional and points out that being a professional has more to do with what's on the inside. Hear Hank's five standards of professionalizm.
We connect with friends and family when we share stories. We laugh and cry together. We build compassion, understanding and a widened perspective of what is possible.
Tom reminds us that when we end our day, month, year, or even our career, if we don't have a story to tell - then what do we have? Hear Tom's message on why the heart of telling a story can bring us all together and give us a sense of hope and gratitude.
Tom's message this week focuses on how it's a struggle to do it alone and how we are better individuals when we work together and support each other.
Our lives are going so fast that we tend to do what is urgent versus what is important. So many of us focus on getting ahead that we don’t necessarily slow down to take time to reflect on what’s going on within us. We need to bring our attention to what’s happening in our lives in a mindful way. A more productive and intentional life can come from going slow.
In today's PDPW Podcast Weekly, Tom Thibodeau, reminds us why it's important to press the pause button in order to take time for self-reflection and to find moments of silence. To learn more, listen to this week's episode: "Listening to ourselves".
Listening has become an art, especially In today’s world with smart phones, social media, and the need for immediate responses. It seems we are fast-forwarding through some important moments when we don’t take the time to listen. When you listen, your family, friends, employees and customers feel understood, accepted and heard. Every effective leader is a listener.
In this PDPW Podcast Weekly, Tom Thibodeau, talks about the importance of truly listening to someone and shares three positive benefits of effective listening.
Studies have shown that when we experience joy, we feel like we can take on new challenges and are open to new experiences. More importantly the presence of joy in our lives has shown to establish greater and more personal connections with others.
A new voice to PDPW Podcast Weekly, Tom Thibodeau, talks about the positive impact joy can have in our lives and why it is important that we convince others to be receptive to and make time for joy.
Research has shown that how your parents interacted with each other can and does have an impact on your own relationship — consciously and unconsciously. Without even realizing it, their relationship became a template of what a marriage looks like.
In this podcast Hank Wagner talks about how you need to evaluate your thinking about your marriage and determine what beliefs are worth holding on to, what you should let go of and what new beliefs for your marriage are possible. He also reminds us that marriage is the most important team there is because it affects generations. Your relationship is an example for your children.
Personal goals often fail because there is an underlying identity that has been formed through years of consistent habits. Hank Wagner dives deeper into belief systems and shares how we can take control over our circumstances if we learn how to change our way of thinking.
1. What can we do for someone grieving?
2. What can we learn from a loss?
3. What changes might we make in life?
In Hank Wagner's podcast "What do you think?", he takes a deep-dive into thoughts and the impact they can have on you. You will come away with tips on how to process your thoughts and also practices you can use to manage your thinking process.
In this podcast, Hank Wagner talks about being aware of our belief system. He warns us about how we influence children and encourages us to challenge our belief system as it is an opportunity for growth. Next time you interact with someone who disagrees with your position, use it as an opportunity to venture outside your intellectual bubble. The side effects may be increased humility, a higher degree of intelligence, better listening skills and a more original point of view.
Today's society uses technology to problem solve, and we are doing less actual thinking. Are we allowing technology to dumb us down by looking for ready made solutions instead of relying on our own instincts and thought processes.
In this podcast, Hank Wagner returns and explains why we need to care about our minds and our thoughts. More importantly, we need to care about the thoughts of others for better understanding and communication which leads to happier and more successful lives.
Negotiations are happening all the time both in business and in our personal lives. In this podcast, Dr. Becky Stewart-Gross, of Building Bridges Seminars, shares the 7 Steps of Win-Win Negotiations and shares how long-term relationships are more important than resolutions.
Hank Wagner questions whether we are using our minds to their fullest potential and taking advantage of this sophisticated "piece of technology". By consciously choosing to change our way of thinking, we can generate desired outcomes.
Like your car, life also gives you little warning signs, but are you making adjustments when you get them? If you want the best possible life, in this podcast, Hank Wagner advises that you can't go through life ignoring the warning signs and encourages to be more aware of what is available to you.
What if you could create technology that could transform our lives and even our relationships? What would you create? How much would you be willing to pay for this technology? In this podcast Hank Wagner explores the possibilities and asks "What if?"
While celebrating an important milestone in their marriage, Hank Wagner's wife, Pam, reflected on three important things that improved their relationship over time. Hank shares these tips that are effective in any type of relationship and also gives a challenge to those listening. Will you accept his challenge?
While that’s true, changing your attitude may alter your perspective during tough times and lead you to a positive outcome. So, as presenter Hank Wagner encourages in this week’s PDPW Podcast Weekly episode, pause and smell the flowers. Seriously, slow down to appreciate all the great things and people around you.