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111: Love Louder
Posted on Mar. 8, 2021
Michael Hoffman
Category: Personal and Professional Development
Our daily lives continue to be tested, but as we hear from Michael Hoffman, the foundation of positivity comes from loving louder. Listen as he rolls out three concepts to help ignite and galvanize you and your team when times can be stressful. It's through our purpose and influence that we all have the ability to create positively outrageous acts of service.
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Our daily lives continue to be tested, but as we hear from Michael Hoffman, the foundation of positivity comes from loving louder. Listen as he rolls out three concepts to help ignite and galvanize you and your team when times can be stressful. It's through our purpose and influence that we all have the ability to create positively outrageous acts of service.

Michael Hoffman is the creator of the "Secrets of the 1%er's" program series that has tapped into what the best of the best do and say to be the best and to become people of influence. Michael has been igniting Fortune 500 organizations with his seminars, workshops and keynotes for almost 20 years. He is President of Igniting Performance, a Dallas based training and consulting firm that specializes in the areas of sales, leadership and building customer loyalty. For more about Michael, visit

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