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32: Five Practices of Effective Leadership
Posted on Sept. 2, 2019
Dr. Becky Stewart-Gross
Category: Personal and Professional Development
Dr. Becky Stewart-Gross, founder of Building Bridges Seminars, discusses a timeless book on leadership titled, "The Leadership Challenge" written by James Kouzes and Barry Posner, which asks the question, "What do people admire and expect from their leaders?" In this podcast, she will share what the authors have found to be the five most common practices of effective leadership.
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Dr. Becky Stewart-Gross, founder of Building Bridges Seminars, discusses a timeless book on leadership titled, "The Leadership Challenge" written by James Kouzes and Barry Posner, which asks the question, "What do people admire and expect from their leaders?" In this podcast, she will share what the authors have found to be the five most common practices of effective leadership.

Becky is President of Building Bridges Seminars, which offers custom-designed leadership and sales training. Over the past 30 years Dr. Becky Stewart-Gross has worked with thousands of leaders and emerging leaders from small family-owned businesses to large international corporations. Becky has presented at numerous PDPW Business Conferences, the PDPW Managers Academy and has provided training for the PDPW staff.  Becky acquired her passion for the dairy industry from her mom who was born and raised on a fourth-generation family dairy farm in Arena, WI and has worked with the largest International Customer-Brand Dairy company in the world for the past 25 years.

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