News & Media
Prepare for Media Interviews at Leadership Workshop
October 9, 2018
Contact: Shelly Mayer
Full Media Package is available (i.e. flyer, press release, photos, etc.)
Review Flyer: Training Flyer
Review Press Release: Press Release
Photos/Logos: Photos/Logos
DAIRY NEWS – The ability to successfully handle a media interview is a valuable skill for dairy producers and dairy industry professionals, but even the most confident manager can become nervous when the cameras and microphones appear.
A one-day, hands-on workshop presented by Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW) is designed to increase participants’ understanding of the media, help develop effective messages and improve confidence when interacting with print, broadcast or digital media. The PDPW Media Training Workshop will be held on Wed., October 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin headquarters in Madison, Wis.
“As dairy farmers, we need to be ready to tell our story - how we care for animals, environment and the quality of milk we produce, as well as handle tough questions,” said Mitch Breunig, dairy farmer from Sauk City, Wis. “This training is a great way to not only access key approved dairy messages, but also to practice using those key messages in mock interviews.”
The sessions will be facilitated by media and communications experts Linda Wenck and Judy Rupnow of leading food and agricultural communications firm MorganMyers. Wenck is director of corporate affairs and principal for MorganMyers and Rupnow is a senior counselor. Together, they bring experience in working with companies and organizations across agriculture and food industries to plan and implement media programs.
Following the completion of the Media Training Workshop and if interested, participants will be trained to serve as a valuable and credible resource to reporters, building credibility for their farm and for the dairy industry. The session includes certified instruction, training materials, on-camera practice sessions, as well as lunch and refreshments.
The Media Training workshop is the first in a series of communications and leadership training programs presented by PDPW, including: Crisis Management on Dec. 11; Effective Leadership on Jan. 10; and Social Media Strategy on Feb. 7.
This training is open to all those allied with the dairy industry and space is limited to the first 18 attendees. To learn more about this Media Training Workshop or to register online, visit or call PDPW at 1-800-947-7379. Follow along digitally in advance of and during the event by following @dairyPDPW and using #MediaTraining2018 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
The PDPW Media Training Workshop is an accredited training and offers up to 7.0 Dairy AdvanCE continuing education units (CEUs). To learn more or secure credits, visit
Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) is the nation's largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed."

Mitch Breunig, PDPW Board of Director
Mystic Valley Dairy, LLC, Sauk City, Wis.
Phone: 608.643.6818
Mitch Breunig of Sauk City, Wis., owns and manages Mystic Valley Dairy LLC, which milks 430 registered Holsteins and has 450 young stock. A University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate with a degree in dairy science, Mitch worked for Land 'O Lakes as a livestock production specialist before returning to the family farm. Mitch oversees the genetic work at Mystic Valley, which is known for producing superior genetics to the global dairy industry.
Contact: Shelly Mayer
Full Media Package is available (i.e. flyer, press release, photos, etc.)
Review Flyer: Training Flyer
Review Press Release: Press Release
Photos/Logos: Photos/Logos
Prepare for Media Interviews at Leadership Workshop
PDPW to Present Media Training Workshop on Oct. 17 in Madison, Wis.
PDPW to Present Media Training Workshop on Oct. 17 in Madison, Wis.
DAIRY NEWS – The ability to successfully handle a media interview is a valuable skill for dairy producers and dairy industry professionals, but even the most confident manager can become nervous when the cameras and microphones appear.
A one-day, hands-on workshop presented by Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW) is designed to increase participants’ understanding of the media, help develop effective messages and improve confidence when interacting with print, broadcast or digital media. The PDPW Media Training Workshop will be held on Wed., October 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin headquarters in Madison, Wis.
“As dairy farmers, we need to be ready to tell our story - how we care for animals, environment and the quality of milk we produce, as well as handle tough questions,” said Mitch Breunig, dairy farmer from Sauk City, Wis. “This training is a great way to not only access key approved dairy messages, but also to practice using those key messages in mock interviews.”
The sessions will be facilitated by media and communications experts Linda Wenck and Judy Rupnow of leading food and agricultural communications firm MorganMyers. Wenck is director of corporate affairs and principal for MorganMyers and Rupnow is a senior counselor. Together, they bring experience in working with companies and organizations across agriculture and food industries to plan and implement media programs.
Following the completion of the Media Training Workshop and if interested, participants will be trained to serve as a valuable and credible resource to reporters, building credibility for their farm and for the dairy industry. The session includes certified instruction, training materials, on-camera practice sessions, as well as lunch and refreshments.
The Media Training workshop is the first in a series of communications and leadership training programs presented by PDPW, including: Crisis Management on Dec. 11; Effective Leadership on Jan. 10; and Social Media Strategy on Feb. 7.
This training is open to all those allied with the dairy industry and space is limited to the first 18 attendees. To learn more about this Media Training Workshop or to register online, visit or call PDPW at 1-800-947-7379. Follow along digitally in advance of and during the event by following @dairyPDPW and using #MediaTraining2018 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
The PDPW Media Training Workshop is an accredited training and offers up to 7.0 Dairy AdvanCE continuing education units (CEUs). To learn more or secure credits, visit
Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) is the nation's largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed."

Mitch Breunig, PDPW Board of Director
Mystic Valley Dairy, LLC, Sauk City, Wis.
Phone: 608.643.6818
Mitch Breunig of Sauk City, Wis., owns and manages Mystic Valley Dairy LLC, which milks 430 registered Holsteins and has 450 young stock. A University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate with a degree in dairy science, Mitch worked for Land 'O Lakes as a livestock production specialist before returning to the family farm. Mitch oversees the genetic work at Mystic Valley, which is known for producing superior genetics to the global dairy industry.