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Dairy Tours and Discussions will be the Focus of PDPW Dairy Dialogue Day

August 7, 2017
Contact: Shelly Mayer
Full Media Package is available (i.e. flyer, press release, photos, etc.)

Review Flyer: Tour Flyer
Review Press Release: Tour Press Release
Photos/Logos: Tour Photos/Logos
Dairy Tours and Discussions will be the Focus of PDPW Dairy Dialogue Day
Dairy Tours at High Performing Farms Next Week, Wed., Aug. 16  
DAIRY NEWS – Sharing ideas and insights to improve key aspects of a dairy business is the goal of the PDPW Dairy Dialogue Day Tours hosted by the Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW).   Dairy owners and managers will tour two high-performing dairy farms in south-central, Wis., in Lodi and Middleton.  Attendees will participate in discussions with their peers on achieving advanced reproduction goals, optimize calf growth, develop quality genetics, manage high production, and explore different types of stall bedding and comfort.  
The daylong chartered bus tour will be held Wed., Aug 16, departing from Compeer Financial, 1430 N. Ridge Dr., Prairie du Sac, Wis., at 9:30 a.m. and returning by 3:30 p.m. The tour and discussions will be facilitated by Dr. Randy Shaver, professor at UW-Madison and extension dairy nutritionist.
The PDPW Dairy Dialogue Day tour stops will include:
  • Wargo Acres, Lodi, Wis., is owned and operated by Craig Carncross and his parents, Emily and Gordon.  Their focus is on cow comfort and implementing standard operating practices has allowed them to excel at longevity and productivity within their herd of 420 registered Holsteins.
  • Blue Star Dairy, Middleton, Wis., is owned and operated by the Meinholz family.  They have incorporated new technologies to optimize reproduction and health monitoring programs.
Space is limited to the first 50 dairy farmer registrations and each day’s tours includes bus travel, refreshments and lunch. To learn more about the PDPW Dairy Dialogue Day Tours and to register, visit or contact PDPW at 1-800-947-7379.
Dairy Dialogue Day is an accredited training and offers up to 4.0 Dairy AdvanCE continuing education units (CEUs). Dairy AdvanCE is the nation’s go-to resource for continuing education in dairy.  Find vetted trainings from trusted education providers, track and manage CE credits, and report your CEs through a secure transcript.  Subscribe and learn more at or watch the video.
Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) is the nation's largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed."