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Exhibitor Success & ROI Center

PDPW Business Conference

Times are changing fast. Exhibiting costs are rising. Attendee behaviors are shifting.

Executive management is pressing you for trade show cost justification and ROI. And, if you're like most, you haven't received a single hour of formal exhibiting education, and don't have a lot of time to seek it out.

PDPW's Exhibitor Success & ROI Center is you and your entire staff's FREE, on-demand, 24/7 exhibiting knowledge resource to give you answers to your most pressing exhibiting challenges, expand your exhibiting know-how, and improve your company's exhibiting performance and ROI.

Here are easy ways to find the information, answers, and solutions you need to keep up, stay ahead and make the most out of your booth at the PDPW Hall of Ideas and Equipment Show:

"How-to" Exhibiting Article Series:

Quick-read, informative and loaded with useful information and practical knowledge. Our exhibiting success article series address the critical topics important to your success as an exhibitor today.  Just click the topic below and start reading. Be sure to forward to your entire exhibiting team.

  1. Planning to Win: Exhibiting by Objectives
  2. High-Impact Pre-Show Marketing
  3. A Worthy Destination – How to Design a More Effective Exhibit
  4. Staffing for Success
  5. Closed-Loop Lead Management
  6. Exhibit Measurement Made Easy