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Welcome to the 2025 PDP Business Conference

Surround yourself with people who have dreams and ambition; they’ll help you discover and passionately pursue your own.

March 12-13, 2025
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI


The Future

The PDP annual Business Conference offers best-in-class education and networking that strives to provide education and inspiration for a vibrant and thriving dairy infrastructure, leaving a positive legacy for generations to come.


We bring together thousands of dairy farmers and agribusiness people from around the globe. This is dairy's go-to educational event. With 70 percent of attendees representing dairy farm owners and managers, you are exposed to the movers and shakers in dairying. Who else attends? Food companies, marketers, distributors and other food system professionals that rely on the continuous improvement and viability of a strong dairy sector.

Refine your Expertise

With four educational tracks in animal care/food safety, business/financial, HR/management/next gen and social license (consumer trust, environment, policy), there is something for everyone. Deepen your understanding in a specific discipline, trend or technology, or advance in multiple areas.

Enjoy & Relax

Business Conference is all inclusive. You'll have every opportunity to talk with a fellow producer over lunch and rub elbows with agribusiness leaders in the Hall of Ideas. This is your time to shine; meet new people and make connections that will shape your profession for a lifetime.

Personal & Professional Skill

Advance your capabilities through dozens of educational sessions. Discover new leadership paradigms; cultivate team building and elevate internal and external communications; strengthen your business strategy; and amplify your herd production, health, performance and beyond.

Leading Experts

Take away actionable insights from over 50 of the best and brightest leaders across the globe. Take in the most advanced ideas, latest technologies and management practices available.

Conference Venue

It's all under one roof! Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI.

Simultaneous Spanish Translation

All business conference sessions will be translated simultaneously for attendees who prefer to learn in Spanish. We know you value every team member – and we want each one to be able to network and learn in a manner that’s comfortable to them.


Compeer Financial

We support PDP because of their commitment to moving the dairy industry forward, being a powerful ‘voice’ and providing all dairy farmers with educational opportunities and more. At Compeer Financial, supporting dairy farmers is a big part of what we do, partnering together to develop financial strategies that meet their goals.  Ultimately, our success depends on their success.  And PDP plays an important role in helping to cultivate that knowledge and success.     – Steve Schwoerer, Senior Dairy Lending Specialist



From its inception PDP has created a constant development and communication process between dairy producers, the dairy market network and the consumer. Acepsis, LLC is pleased to be a sponsor and contributor to what PDP stands for: The continued growth and development of the global dairy industry! 
Michael Pawlak, Owner/Partner – Acepsis, LLC

American Foods Group

American Foods Groups supports PDP due to their continued contribution to all dairy producers nationwide. We built that foundation with PDP because of what they do for our customers. Continuing education, sharing ideas, and helping each other succeed. It doesn’t matter the size or the type of dairy farm they show dedication to all. When we work together, we are stronger, which is why we will continue to support PDP for producers now and in the future. – Dan Rentschler, Vice President of Cattle Procurement

Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin

The Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin builds awareness of Wisconsin-produced dairy products by creating national publicity, managing digital advertising, and driving sales, distribution and trials through retail and foodservice promotions. It also supports in-school education about the benefits of dairy and funding for the UW Center for Dairy Research.  This organization exists to be tireless advocates, marketers and promoters for Wisconsin dairy farmers and to drive demand for Wisconsin dairy products. – Chad Vincent, CEO

Dairy's Foundation

Dairy's Foundation is a mission sponsor of Professional Dairy Producers because we believe that education is the key to healthy and vibrant dairy communities. PDP fulfills that promise by providing programs that are consistent with the Foundation's strategic vision of a professional, proactive and prepared dairy community. PDP is the perfect platform for the Foundation to focus support in these key areas: raising up the next generation of the dairy community and maintaining public trust in dairy’s people and products.   – Brian Forrest, Board Chair and dairy owner, Maple Ridge Dairy


The Professional Dairy Producers is a rare, one-of-a-kind organization: farmer led, forward-thinking leaders who drive change through education for the betterment of dairy farmers, the food system and consumers. From ensuring food safety to your passion for cow care and respect for natural resources, PDP helps dairy farmers not only stay in step with but also build trusted relationships with customers and consumers. As dairy’s professional development organization, PDP is about helping enable continuous improvement at the farm-level. It’s not hard to want to support and get behind something like that, especially when our own roots are in dairy. Thank you for the opportunity to sponsor and serve you!     – Linda Wenck, Principal Director, Corporate Affairs & Social Responsibility

Progressive Dairy

Progressive Dairy is proud to support the mission of PDP. Our company was founded in 1987 with a similar mission: to share the ideas, tools and practices that help engage dairy producers and empower them to improve their businesses and lives. By working together, we can connect the world-class educational programming PDP provides with forward-thinking dairy producers across the country. We appreciate the opportunity to work with this professional organization of dairy leaders and industry stakeholders on the path of continuous improvement and furtherance of the dairy industry. –Karen Lee, Managing Editor

Rabo AgriFinance

Rabo AgriFinance continues to be a proud sponsor of PDP. Rabobank has a global mission of Growing a Better World Together. I have not seen another organization with a more complimentary focus than PDP. Their mission is to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed. For over 30 years, the PDP staff and producer-led Board of Directors has generated forward thinking initiatives and world class education to future proof the industry and challenge dairy farmers to improve their business every day. The agricultural world must continue to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences through leading edge programing and events like PDP creates to truly Grow a Better World Together. – Kurt Petik, Sr. Relationship Manager

Zinpro Performance Minerals

Zinpro Corporation supports PDP as a mission sponsor because the PDP is a dairy producer driven organization that values education as a way to grow the dairy industry and improve the lives of dairy producers, their employees and the animals that they care for.  Zinpro has a continuing commitment to providing scientifically researched products and solutions to improve the performance of livestock by improving their health and productivity.   By supporting PDPs mission, Zinpro helps to insure a vibrant dairy industry to help to feed the world’s growing population in a more efficient and environmentally friendly manner.     - Floyd Sutton, Key Account Manager