Pull up a chair and stay a while. The PDP Dairy Blog offers the slow thinking that one needs to challenge a paradigm, strengthen a belief and shape a vision.
From your computer, table or phone, enjoy a compilation of slow-thinking and thoughtful reading that might change your world.
In focus . . . with PDPW
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Funny how adults expect children to have just one answer to that question. Our jobs change through the years – and our roles and responsibilities in those jobs can change on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. It’s even more complicated with family farms and businesses, where in addition to working we’re living, managing households and raising families together.
What is The Dairy Signal?
The Virtual Dairy Farm Brain
Choose thankfulness
As we look back at last year, what would happen if all family and team members answered such questions as “What lessons did we learn in 2018?”, “What went right?” and “What victories did we have?” Most importantly, “What did 2018 bring to us that we’re thankful for?”
As we begin a new year....
Fake it, take it or make it
Keep kids safe, away from tractors
Little things make a big difference
Leadership comes from heart