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Dairy Signal Speakers:

Tue., Apr. 1
Michael Hoffman
President, Igniting Performance

Wed., Apr. 2
Britta Petersen
Senior Farm Bill Biologist, Pheasants Forever, Inc. and Quail Forever

Wed., Apr. 2
Jake Pulfer
Prescribed Fire Coordinator, Pheasants Forever, Inc.

Thu., Apr. 3
Ben Buckner
Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst at AgResource Company

Training Sessions

Presenters and topics by week, with a brief description of each day's episode topic and featured presenter(s): 

Week 231:Reproductive SOPs, Cheese Research, Transition Planning: (watch now)
Tuesday, November 19
Learn how dairy producers can utilize genomics to manage their reproductive programs including a comparison of estrus detection programs with all-timed AI programs. 

  • Dr. Julio Giordano, Associate Professor-Dairy Cattle Biology and Management, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Animal Science, Cornell University 
Wednesday, November 20
Tune in to hear about the latest research and development at the Center for Dairy Research, including a project to develop natural cheese that can be puffed into a shelf-stable snack.
  • Dr. John Lucey, PhD, Director of Center for Dairy Research, Professor of Food Science at UW-Madison 
Thursday, November 21
This is part 2 of a discussion that began in September, focusing on the steps and key considerations involved in planning a family farm transition. Join us as we continue exploring this important topic.
  • Shayna Borakove, Partner, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Borakove Osmann LLC

Week 230: Calf Transportation, Organization Vision, Market News: (watch now)
Tuesday, November 12
Tune in for a discussion of pre-weaned calf transportation, with a focus on both dairy and dairy x beef calves and a review of national and Wisconsin-based data.

  • Faith Reyes, PhD, PAS, Dairy Outreach Specialist, Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Catie Cramer, PhD, Assistant Professor of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University
Wednesday, November 13
Why is having a vision crucial for organizations of all sizes? Discover how to effectively define and communicate your vision, along with the key components or pillars that support an organization. 
  • Tim Schaefer, CFP, Certified Family Business Advisor, Certified Professional Business Coach, Encore Consultants
Thursday, November 14
Hear the latest news and analysis of agricultural markets and trends that will impact your farm and the dairy industry through 2024 and into 2025.
  • Ben Buckner, Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst, AgResource Company

Week 229: Coaching Strategies, Spring Field Prep & Ventilation: (watch now)
Tuesday, November 5
Join the conversation in the “Coaching Corner” to learn about the importance of building anchors and traditions within your team and practical strategies to make it happen. 

  • Michael Hoffman, President, Igniting Performance
Wednesday, November 6
With silage and fall harvest wrapping up, what can you be doing to prepare fields for spring planting?  Hear about soil testing, cover crop planting and more. 
  • Todd Schaumburg, Part Owner and Agronomist, Tilth Agronomy
Thursday, November 7
Make sure that your facilities are ready for the colder weather that is just around the corner! The discussion will focus on maintaining proper ventilation in calf, heifer and cow barns during winter months.
  • Courtney Halbach, MBA, Outreach Specialist, The Dairyland Initiative

Week 228: Silage Harvest Results,Stress Management & Market News: (watch now)
 Tuesday, October 29
Join the conversation about 2024 corn silage harvest results and how early test results should impact feed and ration planning this winter.

  • Dr. John Goeser, PhD, Director of Nutritional Research & Innovation, Rock River Lab, Inc., and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dairy Science Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wednesday, October 30
With year-end holiday season on the horizon, stress levels may be on the rise. Learn strategies to juggle family life, farm responsibilities, team member safety and how to communicate with employees, managers and owners. 
  • Monica McConkey, Rural Mental Health Counselor, Eyes on the Horizon Consulting

Thursday, October 31
Tune in for the latest market, export and weather news with a special focus on what dairy producers should be watching for in the final two months of 2024. 
  • Ben Buckner, Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst, AgResource Company

Week 227: Soil Erosion, Inflammation and Harvest Safety: (watch now)
Tuesday, October 22
As fall harvest wraps up, learn how to evaluate fields for soil erosion and discuss options for reducing soil loss with waterway design and construction. 

  • Amber Radatz, agricultural water quality program manager, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension
  • Laura Paletta, outreach specialist, U-W Agriculture Water Quality Program
Wednesday, October 23
Hear about the impact of systemic peri-partum inflammation on cow health, performance and fertility and learn about anti-inflammatory strategies.
  • Dr. Adrian Barragan, extension veterinarian and assistant clinical professor, Veterinary and Biomedical Science Department, Pennsylvania State University
Thursday, October 24
The busy harvest season also brings a number of safety hazards, such as less daylight, fatigue and a race to beat Mother Nature. Tune in for a discussion on keeping your entire team safe during harvest and other seasonal tasks such as emptying manure storage, drying grain and maintaining equipment. 
  • Mary Bauer, CIH, CSP, compliance assistance specialist, OSHA

Week 226: Herd Productivity, Environmental Metrics & Market News: (watch now)
Tuesday, October 15
Longevity of a herd is key to its profitability. Tune in for a discussion of what it takes to feed and manage cows for a productive and healthy life. 

  • Dr. Mike VandeHaar, professor, department of animal science, Michigan State University
Wednesday, October 9
Hear about best practices that can impact soil health as well as carbon numbers, such as cover crops and no till. The discussion will also talk about improvements in dairy equipment and facilities that can impact carbon number, such as dairy lighting. 
  • Courtney Titus, M.S., technical services manager, Eocene Environmental Group
  • Grace Moeller, livestock specialist, Eocene Environmental Group

Thursday, October 10
Join in for a look at the weather, market, export and other news that will impact dairy and agricultural markets for the remainder of 2024 and a look ahead at 2025. 
  • Ben Buckner, chief grains and dairy analyst, AgResource Company

Week 225: Weather Outlook, National Update and Calf Nutrition: (watch now)
Tuesday, October 8
With fall officially here, it’s time to look ahead for a weather outlook into winter and even spring 2025.  Tune in to hear what producers across the country should be preparing for in the months ahead. 

  • Daryl Ritchison, director, North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN), and North Dakota state climatologist
Wednesday, October 9
Join in for an important update on national policy and other issues from the president and CEO of National Milk Producers Federation. 
  • Gregg Doud, president and CEO, National Milk Producers Federation
Thursday, October 10
Learn about the use of plasma in calf nutrition, including the pros and cons, the ages it can be fed to, different types of plasma and more. 
  • Dave Wood, director of sales and technical support, Animix LLC

Week 224: Manure Application Safety, Health Tips & DD: (watch now)
Tuesday, October 1
As producers are opening up manure pits for fall application, join in for a conversation about safety concerns and gas exposure. Also learn about equipment safety tips with different types of manure spreaders. 

  • Gerald Minor, chief, Pittsville Fire Department
Wednesday, October 2
Short on time? That doesn’t mean wellness isn’t still a priority. Learn tips to maximize health for dairy producers and busy families on the go. 
  • Morgan Ekovich, owner and head trainer, Get Fit with ME LLC
Thursday, October 3
Lameness is one of the top three diseases in U.S. dairy herds. Tune in for discussion of digital dermatitis, including ins and outs of the disease, prevention and treatment. 
  • Dr. Dorte Doepfer, MSc, PhD, Professor at UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine

Week 223: Soil Health, Robotic Milking Systems and Market News: (watch now)
Tuesday, September 17
Join an interactive conversation about soil health, including how Wisconsin rainfalls may impact soil and how to improve soil conditions. 

  • Dr. Jamie Patton, PhD, CPSS, Wisconsin State Soil Health Coordinator, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Wednesday, September 18
Take a deep dive into the process of adding a robotic milking system to a dairy operation and what to consider when making a decision. 
  • John Gerbitz, PAS, Cow Corner LLC
Thursday, September 19
Tune in for the bi-weekly market update with a focus on the dairy news, numbers, and trends that will impact the industry and your operation. 
  • Ben Buckner, Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst at AgResource Company

Week 222: Geopolitics, Dairy Policy and HPAI/Avian Flu Update: (watch now)
Tuesday, September 10
The approaching U.S. election is dominating the news, markets and even geopolitics. Hear about the potential impact of various election scenarios and revisit news stories that have been crowded out of the headlines by the election.

  • Jacob Shapiro, partner and director of geopolitical analysis, Cognitive Investments
Wednesday, September 11
Keeping up with dairy markets and relevant news is a tall order. Tune in for an update on both, a policy check-in, and a look at what’s ahead and options to help producers navigate these unpredictable times. 
  • Leonard Polzin, dairy markets and policy outreach specialist, University of Wisconsin-Extension
Thursday, September 12
Join in an important conversation on keeping employees and family members healthy, as the spotlight turns to an HPAI/avian flu update from an occupational health perspective. This episode will include the latest OSHA guidance.
  • Mary Bauer, CIH, CSP, compliance assistance specialist, OSHA
  • Kate McCoy, PhD, program manager, occupational health and safety surveillance program, Wisconsin Department of Health Services

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