Training Sessions
Presenters and topics by week, with a brief description of each day's episode topic and featured presenter(s):
Week 210: Carbon Footprint, Water Quality & Energy Contracts: (watch now)
Tuesday, May 28
Customers up the food chain are relying on farmers to help cut the carbon footprint in half. But, before you can develop a plan or measure progress, you need to know your number and the data that contribute to it. We’ll delve into practices that may have the most influence on reducing this number.
- Carson Dugger, agronomist, Eocene Environmental Group
Wednesday, May 29
Water-quality impairment from agriculture is often disproportionate in nature, meaning a small acreage may be responsible for an outsized environmental impact. Learn about research that connects hydrologic modeling with social science and policy analysis to better understand and address such events in Wisconsin’s driftless area.
- Dr. Margaret Kalcic, PhD, associate professor, biological systems engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Andrew Hillman, graduate student, biological systems engineering, UW-Madison
Thursday, May 30
Tune in for a discussion on the opportunities and watchouts as you consider renewable-energy contracts such as solar or wind projects. Understand what to look for in a contract, who you should consult before signing and more.
- Troy Schneider, shareholder and attorney, Menn Law Firm
Week 209: Geopolitical Trends, Ketosis & Market News: (watch now)
Tuesday, May 21
Join an insightful discussion on the major geopolitical forces expected to shape the next five years, with a focus on conflicts between international powers, government policies that may impact international trade and other macro-developments that could affect dairy and other major agriculture commodities.
- Jacob Shapiro, partner and director of geopolitical analysis, Cognitive Investments
Wednesday, May 22
Why do some cows suffer from ketosis more than others? Tune in for the latest research, including how rumination behavior may be useful in improving our understanding of the consequences of ketosis in dairy cows and allow for more targeted treatment options.
- Dr. Luciano Caixeta, DVM, PhD, associate professor, dairy production medicine, University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine
- Dr. Cainan Florentino, DVM, research student, animal science, University of Minnesota
Thursday, May 23
As we kick off the summer season, hear about trends in exports, weather, geopolitics and other relevant issues that will impact dairy and agricultural markets during the growing season and the remainder of 2024.
- Ben Buckner, chief grains and dairy analyst, AgResource
Week 208: Sustainability Initiative & Your Nutrition: (watch now)
Tuesday, May 14
Tune in for a panel discussion with two dairy producers who have participated in the Your Farm - Your Footprint initiative. Bring your questions and hear about their experiences with data collection, peer groups, and more.
- JJ Pagel, CEO, Pagels Ponderosa Dairy, Kewaunee, Wis.
- Mitch Breunig, Owner, Mystic Valley Dairy, Sauk City, Wis.
Wednesday, May 15
Part one of this two-part series focuses on preparing healthful snacks as an important way to keep our minds and bodies fueled throughout the day. Learn practical strategies for preparing well-balanced snacks and how to fit snack preparation into even the busiest schedules.
- Morgan Ekovich, Owner & Head Trainer, Get Fit with ME LLC
Thursday, May 16
Join in for the second part of the conversation on healthy snacks. Check out in advance some recipes for snack pairings and prepare them along with Morgan during the episode. Recipes can be found at:
- Morgan Ekovich, Owner & Head Trainer, Get Fit with ME LLC
Week 207: Cow Handling, Dry Matter Intake & Market Update: (watch now)
Tuesday, May 7
Down cows present a special challenge to dairy producers. Learn how to move, handle and care for these animals with the safety and health of both cows and people as the top priority.
- Dr. Kurt Vogel, PhD, Director, Humane Handling Institute, and Associate Professor, Animal Welfare and Behavior, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Wednesday, May 8
As one of the largest expenses on the farm, making the most of feed inventories is key for milk production and the bottom line. Tune in for a discussion on how key feed management decisions affect dry matter intake.
- Dr. Rick Grant, Trustee, William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute
Thursday, May 9
As temperatures warm and the 2024 growing season gets underway, join the conversation on dairy market and export news, as well as the trends that could impact your farm through the rest of the year.
- Ben Buckner, Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst, AgResource Company
Week 206: Methane Emissions, Animal Handling & Cover Crops: (watch now)
Tuesday, April 30
Developing new technologies and practices to sustainably decrease enteric methane emissions from dairy cattle is a priority for the industry. Tune in to learn about obstacles and opportunities, including phenotyping, trait definition, developing a reference population, using milk mid-infrared spectra as a non-invasive approach and manipulating the rumen microbiome.
- Dr. Francisco Peñagaricano, PhD, assistant professor, quantitative genomics, UW-Madison
- Dr. Guillermo Martinez Boggio, PhD, research assistant, UW- Madison
Wednesday, May 1
Learn about the Mooving Cows game developed at UW-Madison to teach cow handling skills and hear the latest in industry quality assurance programs (i.e., FARM Animal Care) expectations, public perception of handling practices. Dr. Van Os will also share plans for future educational tools.
- Dr. Jennifer Van Os, Ph.D., assistant professor and extension specialist- animal welfare, UW-Madison
Thursday, May 2
Manure represents a resource for crop production and soil but can create challenges to achieving water quality goals. While cover crops can provide solutions, there can be trade-offs with production. Join this interactive conversation to review research that can lead to overall benefits in Wisconsin.
- Dr. Matt Ruark, PhD, professor and extension soil scientist, UW-Madison
- Tanner Judd, graduate student, soil science, UW-Madison
Week 205: Dairy Margin Coverage, Forage Strategies & Market News: (watch now)
Tuesday, April 23
As the deadline for the 2024 Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program nears, tune in for a conversation about this risk management program and a market news update.
- Leonard Polzin, Dairy Markets and Policy Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin Extension
Wednesday, April 24
Join this interactive conversation about the role that animal stress plays in long term health and performance, with a focus on feed-related stressors. Dr. Goeser will also discuss strategies for success in the 2024 forage growing season.
- Dr. John Goeser, PhD, Director of Nutritional Research & Innovation at Rock River Lab, Inc., and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Thursday, April 25
With spring planting underway across the country, hear about the market, export, weather and other factors that will impact dairy farmers and the ag industry throughout the growing season and beyond.
- Ben Buckner, Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst at AgResource
Week 204: Nexus Innovation Week: (watch now)
Tuesday, April 16
Learn about Maternity Warden from Ever.Ag, a computer-vision monitoring solution for a dairy’s close-up pens. Powered by artificial intelligence, the system monitors the herd and alerts producers to cows in labor with the goal of safer births and fewer stillborns and dystocia events.
- Ryne Braun, Director, Dairy On-Farm Solutions, Ever.Ag
Wednesday, April 17
Making the most of silage crops is the goal of IONfx Seed2Rumen in-plant microbial inoculant from Agrovive Biologicals. Tune in to learn about biological technologies designed to improve germination and seedling vigor for benefits during growing season and after harvest.
- Nathan Hrnicek, Chief Operating Officer, Agrovive Biologicals
Thursday, April 18
Hear about Nutricow CalBal from Chemlock Nutrition, which is designed to be fed to the close-up cows in a dairy to help improve their calcium status during the fresh period, the product is formulated to improve the health and efficiency of other ruminants, too.
- Rick Brown, Dairy Science Director, Chemlock Nutrition
Week 203: Dry Matter Intake, 2023 Silage Crop & Market Update: (watch now)
Tuesday, April 9
Tune in for a timely discussion about the five elements to keep in mind when managing and optimizing your cow’s dry matter intake.
- Kathryn Elliott, M.S., dairy consultant and technical support specialist, ProAGtive Dairy Nutrition
- Dr. Scott Earnest, director of technical services, ProAGtive Dairy Nutrition
Wednesday, April 10
The results are in! Learn about the test results for the 2023 corn silage crop and dial in on key local and national findings so you can optimally feed your cows for the next 12 months.
- Dr. Andrew Bohnhoff, Director of Forage and Nutrition at Prairie Estates Genetics
Thursday, April 11
With the 2024 growing season just around the corner, join in for the latest news and analysis of agricultural markets and trends that will impact dairy producers and the ag industry.
- Ben Buckner, Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst at AgResource
Week 202: Bovine Leukemia Virus, Grazing Heifers & Carbon Market: (watch now)
Tuesday, April 2
Join an interactive conversation about the bovine leukemia virus, including how it is transmitted, what signs to look for in a herd, protocols for preventing and managing it, and the potential impact on a dairy’s bottom line.
- Dr. Keith Poulsen, PhD, Director, Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (WVDL), University of Wisconsin
Wednesday, April 3
Tune in to hear the benefits on how raising dairy heifers in a managed grazing system can reduce cost and increase animal performance, as well as improving water quality and soil health.
- Jason Cavadini, grazing specialist and certified professional agronomist, UW-Madison Extension
Learn about carbon offsets and insets, including what they are and what they mean for dairy producers and industries looking to reduce carbon footprint. This content was originally presented at PDP’s Carbon Conference and will include updates and additional insights.
- Patrick Wood, Founder and General Manager, Ag Methane Advisors, LLC
Week 201: Generational Communication, Training & Market Update: (watch now)
Tuesday, March 26
With multiple generations working together in today’s farms and offices, understanding how to communicate effectively across those generations is key. Tune in for tips, strategies and insights.
- Kristin Pronschinske, Business Consultant, NuVue
Wednesday, March 27
Set new managers up for success with a defined training program. Learn about the steps to creating a program to meet the needs of new managers and their teams.
- Don Tyler, Founder of Tyler & Associates, Executive and Management Coach
Thursday, March 28
As we wrap up the first quarter of 2024, hear about the export, weather and global trends that have affected the dairy and ag markets and what to look for as the growing season begins.
- Ben Buckner, Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst at AgResource