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Dairy Signal Speakers:

Tue., Jul. 9
Tim Schaefer
CFP, Certified Family Business Advisor, Certified Professional Business Coach, Encore Consultants

Wed., Jul. 10
Dr. Charles Nicholson
Associate Professor, Department of Animal & Dairy Sciences and Agricultural & Applied Economics, UW-Madison

Wed., Jul. 10
Christopher Wolf
E.V. Baker Professor of Agricultural Economics, Director of Land Grant Programs, Cornell University

Wed., Jul. 10
Dr. Mark Stephenson
Retired from UW-Madison as Director of Dairy Policy Analysis

Thu., Jul. 11
Ben Buckner
Chief Grains and Dairy Analyst at AgResource

Training Sessions

Presenters and topics by week, with a brief description of each day's episode topic and featured presenter(s): 

Week 140: Mitigate Stress, Heifer Maturity & Corn Silage N Use: (watch now)
Tuesday, December 27
Join in for an interactive discussion on navigating stress in today’s hectic world. Learn methods for handling and lowering stress, including the different types, causes and potential solutions for stressful situations. 

  • Monica McConkey, Rural Mental Health Counselor, Eyes on the Horizon Consulting
Wednesday, December 28
Milk production and other factors are impacted by heifer maturity, often described as the “Peter Pan problem,” referring to the cartoon character who fully matured. To offer insights on how to ensure heifers enter the milking string at the right time, this episode will take a look at whether heifers are given enough time to mature and if they should be fed more aggressively in early years. 
  • Dr. Gavin Staley, Technical Services Specialist, Diamond V
Thursday, December 29
Learn about a nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) trial in corn silage production that was completed during the 2022 growing season. Hear the results and insights for 2023 silage production. 
  • Matthew Oehmichen, Co-Owner, Short Lane AG Supply LLC
  • Mike Redetzke, Owner and Operator, Peaceful Creek Acres

Week 139: Holiday Trends, Calf Winter Stress & Market Update: (watch now)
Tuesday, December 20
Holiday entertaining season is here! Get the inside scoop on the butter board trend, ideas for creative charcuterie boards, and recommendations for both new and tried-and-true cheese pairings for gatherings of all sizes. 

  • Tina Peterson, Director of Wisconsin Communications for Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
Wednesday, December 21
Keeping the youngest members of your herd warm as winter temperatures drop is a top priority. Tune in and bring your questions for an interactive discussion on minimizing winter stress on calves and best practices during cold weather including calf jackets, bedding types, caloric intake and more. 
  • Dr. Theresa Ollivett, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Large Animal), Assistant Professor in Food Animal Production Medicine section at UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
Thursday, December 22
With just a few days left in 2022, join in for a discussion on the latest updates in dairy exports, weather impact, market news and more. We’ll also discuss what impact those trends will have on your operation and the dairy industry in 2023. 
  • Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company

Week 138: Cold Safety, Transition Planning, Lending Decisions: (watch now)
Tuesday, December 13
As temperatures drop and snow begins to fall, ensure your entire team stays safe and healthy during the winter season. Tune in for the training, equipment and resources you need to prevent dehydration, frostbite, hypothermia and other cold-weather hazards.

  • Jim Versweyveld, MS, Farm Management Outreach Specialist, Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wednesday, December 14
Take a deep dive into business transition planning, including what a business transition plan should include, best practices, timelines and strategies for succession plans in passing the baton to the next generation. In addition, attorney Twohig will spotlight family considerations including how prenuptial agreements impact transition planning. 
  • George Twohig, Partner and Attorney at Twohig, Rietbrock, Schneider & Halbach Law Office
Thursday, December 15
Learn about farm lending from the other side of the banker’s desk in this episode. Two experienced lenders join us to share their perspectives on the processes, rules and parameters in lending decisions and how farmers can better prepare for discussions about loans and financial operations.
  • Jim Moriarty, Director Dairy Lending and Dairy Consulting, Compeer Financial
  • Dave Coggins, SVP Ag Banking, Nicolet National Bank

Week 137: New Vaccine Technologies and a Look Ahead to 2023: (watch now)
Tuesday, December 6
Learn more about the ins and outs of autogenous vaccines, including what they are, how they’re made, and how they work in the animal’s system. Bring your questions about when and how these custom vaccines are beneficial to a dairy’s overall herd health and production. 

  • Dr. Justin Kieffer, DVM, PhD, Clinical Veterinarian, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
Wednesday, December 7
With just a few weeks left of 2022, we’ll reflect on the year in terms of dairy markets and take a look ahead to the big supply, demand and production questions of 2023. The episode will also outline specific strategies and tools producers can use to manage risk and position themselves for success in the new year.
  • Will Babler, Principal, Atten Babler Commodities LLC 
Thursday, December 8
Join in for an interactive discussion on the latest news in dairy exports, pricing, markets and supply in The Dairy Signal’s bi-weekly market update. Hear about the factors what will drive global dairy markets in 2023 and how they’ll impact your operation. 
  • Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company

Week 136: Automation, Calf-Feeding Behavior, Retirement Strategy: (watch now)
Tuesday, November 29
A new generation of automation in agricultural machines and equipment has the potential to mitigate labor shortfalls across the dairy industry. However, the promise of these new technologies also comes with risks. Join the discussion for an overview of what’s ahead and how it might impact farms of every size. 

  • Dr. John Shutske, Professor and Extension Specialist in Biological Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wednesday, November 30
Tune in to the November “Rising Stars – Graduate Research Showcase” episode to hear about research connecting calves’ feeding behavior and health, and the potential for artificial intelligence and data from automatic calf feeders and other technologies to diagnose and monitor disease in calves. Episode sponsored by Balchem.
  • Dr. Melissa Cantor, PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph
Thursday, December 1
Year-end tax planning is at the top of many dairy producers minds now. Hear about short- and long-term strategies for retirement savings, and learn the right questions to ask when considering off-farm investments. 
  • Sarah Wiersma, Financial Advisor, Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC

Week 135: Don't get stuck in conflict and Market update: (watch now)
Tuesday, November 22
Since it’s not possible to completely avoid conflicts, let’s learn to manage, minimize and even use conflict as a competitive advantage in your business. Consultants Liz and Tim will help us understand where conflict comes from and how to optimize it in this interactive episode.

  • Liz Griffith, Market Development, Human Resource Consultant, Encore Consultants
  • Tim Schaefer, CFP, Certified Family Business Advisor, Certified Professional Business Coach, Encore Consultants
Wednesday, November 23
Tune in to hear what might impact dairy and commodity markets, exports and more as 2022 winds down. Bring your questions for an informative discussion on what you should be thinking about regarding your dairy business as we head into 2023.
  • Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company

Week 134: Nutrition, the Transition Period and Biosecurity: (watch now)
Tuesday, November 15
Trace minerals and vitamins are often overlooked in transition nutrition due to more focus on protein or energy. Tune in to hear about the important role trace minerals and vitamins play in cow immune response and calf survival and health.

  • Dr. Robert Van Saun, DVM, Professor of Veterinary Science and Extension Veterinarian, Penn State University
Wednesday, November 16
Join us for a discussion on all things biosecurity, including the on-farm practices that can minimize disease risk. Bring your questions for a hearty conversation on this critical topic.
  • Dr. Heather Roney, DVM, Cattle Health Programs Veterinarian, Wisconsin DATCP
Thursday, November 17
Cart or the horse? How do calcium and serotonin impact peripartal calcium homeostasis? Learn about how calcium is regulated in the transition period and the essential role dry-cow feeding plays in preventing postpartum calcium issues and more.
  • Dr. Laura Hernandez, Ph.D., Professor of Lactation Physiology, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Week 133: Staying Healthy, Footbath Research and Market Update: (watch now)
Tuesday, November 8
Is chocolate really good for you? Do carbohydrates cause weight gain? Does walking to the barn count as exercise? Get to the bottom of these health and diet questions and many more in this enlightening “Fact or Fiction” edition. 

  • Amy Mydral Miller, MS, RDN, FAND, Founder and President of Farmer’s Daughter Consulting
  • Jenna Gibbs, Director of Operations, Ag Health and Safety Alliance; Personal Trainer, University of Iowa
Wednesday, November 9
Tune in for the latest research, technologies and management practices for using footbaths on today’s dairy farms. Join the discussion on managing the practical challenges and novel ways to measure footbath effectiveness.
  • Dr. Laura Solano, PhD, DVM, Dairy Cattle Comfort and Welfare Expert, Lactanet, Canada
Thursday, November 10
As 2022 winds down, we’ll take a look at the potential market, weather and export news that will impact dairy and commodity pricing for the rest of the year. Dan Basse will also share an overview of what to expect in 2023. 
  • Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company

Week 132: Repro Protocols, Dairy Policy and Seed Selection: (watch now)
Tuesday, November 1
Effective reproductive programs are a must for dairy farms to be successful. Tune in for the latest research and recommendations for reproductive protocols and procedures.

  • Dr. Paul Fricke, PhD, Dairy Reproduction Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wednesday, November 2
Staying on top of policy and regulatory developments can be challenging; today’s update from National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) leaders will share news regarding the FARM Animal Care Program and more. Join in live for a chance to ask questions directly. 
  • Emily Yeiser Stepp, Vice President, The National Dairy FARM Program, NMPF
  • Miquela Hanselman, Manager, Regulatory Affairs, NMPF
Thursday, November 3
Planning begins now for the 2023 growing season; plan to join this discussion of how to select the right seed corn for your farm and fields. The conversation will consider disease tolerance, yield potential and consistency, soil type and more.
  • Chad Staudinger, Regional Sales Manager, Dairyland Seed Co., Inc.

Week 131: Silage Outlook, Graduate Research & Market Update: (watch now)
Tuesday, October 25
Tune in for insights on the 2022 corn silage crop and how it will impact decisions and rations for the coming year. Discover strategies to make the most of the feedstuffs on your operation.

  • Dr. John Goeser, PhD, Director of Nutritional Research & Innovation at Rock River Lab, Inc., and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Dairy Science Department at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wednesday, October 26
October’s Rising Stars – Graduate Research Showcase will feature work underway at the University of Minnesota. Hear about research to understand the energy value of NDF to lactating Jersey cows and work to explore the association between hyperketonemia and the postpartum rumen environment.
  • Jason Stypinski, PhD student, University of Minnesota
  • Anay Ravelo, PhD student, University of Minnesota
  • Dr. Isaac Salfer, PhD, Assistant Professor, Animal Science, University of Minnesota
Thursday, October 27
As fall harvest continues and cooler temperatures settle in, what do the next few months hold for dairy and commodity markets, exports and more? Get the latest news, trends and insights in our bi-weekly market update. 
  • Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company