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2024-2025 PDP Educational Programs Calendar
​The 2024-2025 PDP Educational Program Calendar answers the call for ongoing learning opportunities for an industry that thrives on idea sharing, discovering solutions and working together. The upcoming PDP calendar features out-of-state programs, hands-on workshops, youth programming, online programming through The Dairy Signal® and more.
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The 2024-2025 PDP Educational Program Calendar answers the call for ongoing learning opportunities for an industry that thrives on idea sharing, discovering solutions and working together. The upcoming PDP calendar features out-of-state programs, hands-on workshops, youth programming, online programming through The Dairy Signal® and more.

All these programs are developed based on the direction and recommendations we receive from our producer members - so every new year brings new learning opportunities.

As dairy’s professional development organization, our purpose is to provide leading-edge programs and events for the nation’s most forward-thinking dairy farmers. A special thank you to our PDP Vision, Mission, Corporate and Event Sponsors for walking alongside us and ensuring adequate funding is available as we build and provide dairy education for our solution-oriented farmers and professionals.