Glori Enterprises
Greg Friendshuh
777 35th ave
Clear Lake, Wi 54005
Clear Lake, Wi 54005
Product/Service Special:
TheFODD is a technology that sorts corn silage by particle size into two ingredient streams; the fodder and the fines. TheFODD allows for better management of fiber, energy and fiber digestibility across all diets on the dairy. The Fodder, consisting of the stalks and leaves, is an ideal feedstuff for dry cows and heifers. The consistency and palatability will reduce sorting which will decrease the chances for metabolic disorders during the transition period. The fines are fed to the lactating cows as a higher Starch more digestible corn silage. TheFODD provides for $150-$250/cow/year in feed cost savings due to simple feed substitutions. It also provides for smoother transitions and up to 3#’s of milk cow/day in the lactating pens. TheFODD is a game changer.