Press Releases
PDPW Dairy Managers Institute® Training Builds Leadership, Coaching and Financial Skills

October 25, 2022
Contact: Shelly Mayer
Program Flyer
PDPW Dairy Managers Institute® Training Builds Leadership, Coaching and Financial Skills
Three tiers of training available to dairy managers and professionals at the two-day workshop, Dec. 20-21
DAIRY NEWS – As dairy teams begin to wrap up 2022 and look ahead to their goals and plans for 2023, building stronger, more effective teams is a high priority in the fast-paced, ever-changing dairy industry. Professional Dairy Producers is providing an opportunity for managers to take their leadership skills to the next level at the 2022 PDPW Dairy Managers Institute.
The two-day intensive management-development program will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Tues., Dec. 20, and conclude at 4:00 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 21, 2022, at Kalahari Resorts in Wisconsin Dells, Wis.
“PDPW’s Dairy Managers Institute is a tremendous opportunity for dairy managers at every stage to stretch beyond employee and project management to grow and thrive as leaders who help their team members learn, collaborate and engage in shared business goals,” said Katy Schultz, Fox Lake, Wis. dairy producer and PDPW board president. “Designed with three tiers, the program equips managers to build on their current experiences and build on their learnings in successive years.”
Each attendee will select one tier to complete.
- Tier One: Lead and Manage with Insight. Led by Dr. Becky Stewart-Gross, PhD, president and founder of Building Bridges Seminars, attendees will take a deep dive into fundamentals of leadership and implementing and managing change. Dr. Stewart-Gross will share how to apply the five practices of effective leadership to roles on the farm and outline an “Insight Inventory” for participants to identify and understand their personality style and how to optimize it to improve as a leader. Simultaneous Spanish translation will be available for this tier.
- Tier Two: Discover the Art of Coaching. Michael Hoffman, founder and owner of Igniting Performance, Inc., will focus on coaching strategies for delivering meaningful feedback, building strong and committed teams, and managing through key milestones. Managers will return to the dairy with an enhanced understanding of their role and be equipped to use their tools of influence to impact the growth and future of the organization. Simultaneous Spanish translation will be available for this tier.
- Tier Three: Mastering Financials and Negotiations. A firm grasp on the financials of an operation is key for every level of manager. Dr. Kevin Bernhardt, PhD, agribusiness professor at UW-Platteville School of Agriculture and farm management specialist with UW Extension and Center for Dairy Profitability, and Linda Swindling, JS, CSP, author and former law firm partner and mediator, will arm managers with the business acumen to make good judgements and quick decisions, and explore negotiation styles and methods to leverage them in critical discussions.
While not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged for attendees to follow the tiered program in chronological order. Registration cost includes program materials and meals; lodging not included. To learn more and to register, visit or contact PDPW at 800-947-7379. Follow along digitally in advance of and during the event by following @dairyPDPW on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) is the nation's largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.