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Carbon Conference Brings Together Pioneers, Experts to Outline Market Opportunities

December 18, 2024
Contact: Shelly Mayer
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Carbon Conference Brings Together Pioneers, Experts to Outline Market Opportunities
PDP Carbon Conference 3.0 set for January 28 in Madison, Wis.
DAIRY NEWS – As carbon markets continue to grow and evolve in the dairy industry, so does the complexity for dairy producers interested in capturing the opportunities in these new markets. PDP Carbon Conference 3.0 presented by Professional Dairy Producers® (PDP), will bring together experts leading the charge in carbon market development, dairy processing, agricultural data and on-farm practices.
PDP Carbon Conference 3.0 will be held Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at the Sheraton Hotel in Madison, Wis., beginning at 9:30 a.m. and concluding at 4:30 p.m.
“This program is an incredible opportunity to learn more about the critical pieces of the carbon conversation,” said Paul Lippert, Pittsville, Wis., dairy producer and PDP vice president. “Once you’re able to take a look across your entire business, you’ll have a better understanding of the management choices you need to implement – or continue doing – to sustainably operate in a way that’s beneficial for everyone.”
The conference will provide insights and actionable strategies for producers to interpret their farm’s carbon data, identify actionable strategies and develop a plan to turn carbon challenges into business advantages.
Learn the ins and outs of carbon credit systems with Jenny Bockhahn and Kevin Ogorzalek, co-owners of Concord Agriculture Partners. They have pioneered carbon-inset systems tailored to the dairy industry, and their expertise in Scope 3 data reporting and sustainable frameworks empowers producers to monetize sustainability while strengthening connections across the supply chain.
Understand the potential impact for your farm with insights from Patrick Wood, founder of Ag Methane Advisors, who specializes in helping livestock producers turn greenhouse gas reductions into revenue. John Goeser, director of Animal Nutrition, Research and Innovation at Rock River Laboratory, and John Jacobs, dairy producer, Green Valley Dairy, will provide an on-farm perspective on the value of your data and putting it to work for you.
A panel of milk processors will share information on the programs in which they’re involved, the data they’re collecting and how they’re working with farmers to showcase progress. Hear from Hansel New, AVP of Sustainability Strategy and Programs at Dairy Farmers of America; Dr. Paul Rapnicki, DVM, veterinarian and director of Producer Services at Grande Cheese Company; and Jeff Montsma and Jacqueline Stroud, representing Agropur.
To learn more and register for the program, visit or contact PDP at 800-947-7379. Carbon Conference 3.0 is accredited for up to 4.75 Dairy AdvanCE continuing education credits and up to 4.5 SUS CCA credits.
Follow along digitally in advance of and during the event by following PDP on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X.
Professional Dairy Producers (PDP) is the nation's largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.