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212: The Company We Keep
Posted on Jul. 24, 2023
Shelly O'Leary
Category: Personal and Professional Development
You may have heard the phrase, you’re a product of your own environment. We become like the people we spend most of our time with. That’s why we are spending time with our long-time friend in the PDPW family, Shelly O’Leary, outreach specialist at Professional Dairy Producers. Listen as Shelly shares why it’s important to be aware of the company we keep. 
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You may have heard the phrase, you’re a product of your own environment. We become like the people we spend most of our time with. That’s why we are spending time with our long-time friend in the PDPW family, Shelly O’Leary, outreach specialist at Professional Dairy Producers. Listen as Shelly shares why it’s important to be aware of the company we keep. 

Shelly O’Leary is Communications and Outreach Specialist with Professional Dairy Producers®, a role she’s held since early 2016. Raised on a Wisconsin dairy farm, the bulk of her life has been devoted to the dairy industry. She also has 20 years of independent-contractor sales experience in which she’s served in leadership, coaching and teaching roles.

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